
UniNapoli: Lectio 22 May

22 May 2020 event where we talk about Azure Cognitive Services and Computer Vision technologies.


  1. Presentation :clock230: 14:30
    • Who Am I
    • Who Is Proge-Software
  2. Introduction
    • Azure
      • Core Concepts
        • Resource Group
        • Resource
        • Tags
      • CLI
    • REST Architecture
      • REST over HTTP
        • Maturity Model
        • Hypertext as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)
    • Azure Cognitive Services
  3. Azure Cognitive Services :clock3: 15:00
    • What are Azure Cognitive Services
      • SDKs and API Specification
    • Vision APIs
    • Speech APIs
    • Language APIs
    • Search APIs
    • Decision APIs
  4. Telegram Bot with Go
    • Go
      • Tour of Go
    • Telebot
    • Azure SDK for Go
      • Other Azure Go Packages
    • Demo
  5. Vision :clock330: 15:30
    • APIs
      • Face
        • Face Detection
        • Face Verification
        • Find similar faces
        • Face Grouping
        • Person identification
        • Containers
      • Computer Vision
        • Analyze Images
        • Extract text from images
        • Moderate content in images
        • Use containers
      • Custom Vision Service
      • Form Recognizer (preview)
      • Ink Recognizer (preview)
      • Video Indexer
    • Demo
  6. Language :clock4: 16:00
    • APIs
      • Text Analytics
        • Sentiment Analysis
        • Key Phrase Extraction
        • Language Detection
        • Named Entity Recognition
      • Language Understanding (LUIS)
      • Translator Text
    • Demo
  7. Decision
    • APIs
      • Anomaly Detector
        • Demo
        • Notebook
      • Content Moderator
        • Moderation APIs
        • Review APIs
          • Review tool
      • Personalizer
        • How does Personalizer select the best content item?
        • When to call Personalizer
        • How to design and implement Personalizer for your client application
    • Demo
  8. Q&A :clock430: 16:30