



Since 1985 Proge-Software produces high-technological content projects for Small and Medium Enterprises, providing them all the necessary activities for the design, development and maintenance of the corporate IT system: from IT architecture design to complex IT infrastructure management, from the realization of Custom Software Development to the implementation of mobile solutions, from the creation of application infrastructure and databases to the design of Cloud scenarios, up to the creation of portals for collaboration.


  1. Presentation :clock230: 14:30
    • Who Am I
    • Who Is Proge-Software
  2. Introduction
    • Azure
      • Core Concepts
        • Resource Group
        • Resource
        • Tags
      • CLI
    • REST Architecture
      • REST over HTTP
        • Maturity Model
        • Hypertext as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)
    • Azure Cognitive Services
  3. Azure Cognitive Services :clock3: 15:00
    • What are Azure Cognitive Services
      • SDKs and API Specification
    • Vision APIs
    • Speech APIs
    • Language APIs
    • Search APIs
    • Decision APIs
  4. Telegram Bot with Go
    • Go
      • Tour of Go
    • Telebot
    • Azure SDK for Go
      • Other Azure Go Packages
    • Demo
  5. Vision :clock330: 15:30
    • APIs
      • Face
        • Face Detection
        • Face Verification
        • Find similar faces
        • Face Grouping
        • Person identification
        • Containers
      • Computer Vision
        • Analyze Images
        • Extract text from images
        • Moderate content in images
        • Use containers
      • Custom Vision Service
      • Form Recognizer (preview)
      • Ink Recognizer (preview)
      • Video Indexer
    • Demo
  6. Language :clock4: 16:00
    • APIs
      • Text Analytics
        • Sentiment Analysis
        • Key Phrase Extraction
        • Language Detection
        • Named Entity Recognition
      • Language Understanding (LUIS)
      • Translator Text
    • Demo
  7. Decision
    • APIs
      • Anomaly Detector
        • Demo
        • Notebook
      • Content Moderator
        • Moderation APIs
        • Review APIs
          • Review tool
      • Personalizer
        • How does Personalizer select the best content item?
        • When to call Personalizer
        • How to design and implement Personalizer for your client application
    • Demo
  8. Q&A :clock430: 16:30